Google Workspace - SAML Setup

We will start by setting up a Google Workspace app for SAML-based SSO. We will then configure a Zentral realm for this application. Finally, we will update the Google Workspace application configuration.

Create a Google Workspace custom SAML app

In the Google Admin console, go to the menu Apps > Web and mobile apps, click Add App > Add custom SAML app.

In the next view, enter the app name, description ..., and click “Continue”.

Download the Google Workspace IdP metadata

Select Option 1: download the IdP metadata file and save it for later use. Click “Continue”.

Configure the Service provider details

⚠️ You will only know the Zentral URLs for the SAML integration once the realm has been saved. To save the realm, you need the metadata from Google Workspace. This is a chicken-egg problem. We have to use dummy values for the fields first, and update them later.

  1. Set dummy values for ACS URL, Entity ID in the Service provider details (eg.
  2. Do not check signed response.
  3. Stick to the defaults for Name ID as displayed, with Name ID format UNSPECIFIED, and Name ID set to Basic Information > Primary email.
  4. Click “Continue”.

Configure the Attributes

Add the Attributes mappings below:

Google directory attributes App attributes
Primary Email email
First Name first_name
Last Name last_name

Click “Finish”.

Create the Zentral realm

  1. In Zentral, go to Platform settings > Realms (top right corner)
  2. Click on the + icon to create a new Realm, select SAML Realm and set a name.
  3. Give Access:
    • For Zentral admins, check “Enable for login”, and set “Login session expiry” (e.g. 3600)
    • For the MDM Enrollment, leave “enable for login” unchecked. Optional: check “User Portal”, if active
  4. Use email (for the username), email, first_name, last_name (see section above) for the claims
  5. Leave Full name claim empty
  6. Upload the metadata file that you have just saved (see above)
  7. If you want to allow logins initiated by the IDP, tick the box
  8. Click save. You should see an overview of the Realm.
  9. ⚠️ Note the details for Assertion Consumer Service URL and Entity ID.

Update the Google Workspace custom SAML app

Return to the custom SAML app view in the Google Admin console. In the Service provider details block, update the SAML settings and save them.

Google Workspace SAML Zentral realm
ACS URL Assertion Consumer Service URL
Entity ID Entity ID
Start URL Default RelayState (only if realm setup for IdP initiated login)

⚠️ In the User access view, make sure service status is “ON for everyone” for the required Organizational Units. For more information about this, refer to the Google docs.

Check that everything works: click the 'Test' button (icon to the right of the realm name) on the Zentral Realm detail page. It will trigger an authentication with the IdP and display the claims Zentral receives with their mappings.

Role Base Access Control (RBAC)

See Realm Group and Roles setup for more information.