Zentral can be used as MDM server for Apple devices.

Zentral configuration

To activate the MDM module, you need to add a zentral.contrib.mdm section to the apps section in base.json.

SCEP CA issuer chain

To authenticate the OTA enrollments, Zentral needs the SCEP CA issuer certificate chain in PEM form in the scep_ca_fullchain key of the zentral.contrib.mdm section. It is possible to use the {{ file:PATH_TO_PEM_CHAIN }} substitution to load the chain from a file on disk.

mTLS proxy

Zentral is expecting the client certificate in PEM form in the X-SSL-Client-Cert header, and the client certificate subject DN in the X-SSL-Client-S-DN header. If this is not possible, you can set mtls_proxy to false in the zentral.contrib.mdm section. In that case, the Apple devices will be configured to add a header containing the payload signature in each HTTP request. See the Apple documentation. This adds approximately 2KB of data to each message.

Variable substitution

It is possible to use variable substitution to customize configuration profiles and application configurations (see InstallApplication and InstallEnterpriseApplication MDM commands) with device or user attributes. The following variables are available:

Name Description
$ENROLLED_DEVICE.UDID UDID of the enrolled device
$ENROLLED_DEVICE.SERIAL_NUMBER Serial number of the enrolled device
$ENROLLED_USER.LONG_NAME Long name of the user reported by the MDM
$ENROLLED_USER.SHORT_NAME Short name of the user reported by the MDM
$REALM_USER.USERNAME Username of the realm user
$REALM_USER.DEVICE_USERNAME Device username (first part of the username split on @, with . removed) of the realm user
$REALM_USER.EMAIL_PREFIX first part of the email split on @ of the realm user
$REALM_USER.EMAIL email of the realm user
$REALM_USER.FIRST_NAME first name of the realm user
$REALM_USER.LAST_NAME last name of the realm user
$REALM_USER.FULL_NAME full name of the realm user
$REALM_USER.CUSTOM_ATTR_1 first custom attribute of the realm user
$REALM_USER.CUSTOM_ATTR_2 second custom attribute of the realm user

NB: the realm user variables are only available when a realm authentication is configured in the enrollment.

Push certificates

To be able to send notifications to the devices, Zentral requires a push certificate (also known as an APNS certificate). You have two options to obtain this:

  • Use our signed Certificate Signing Request (CSR): Since Zentral is an approved vendor, you can directly use our provided signed CSR in Zentral Cloud (SaaS) instances.

  • Generate your own MDM vendor certificate: An Apple Developer Enterprise Account with the ability to generate MDM CSRs is required. You can then use this vendor certificate to sign an APNS certificate request. The mdmcerts Zentral management command can be used to help with this process.

Configure Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)

To configure the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) for Zentral Cloud, follow these steps.

  • From the sidebar or three-line menu in the top-right corner, navigate to the Zentral MDM > Overview > Push certificates section.
  • Click the Zentral Cloud link under the Name column to go to the certificate detail page.
  • In the top right corner, click the 'down-arrow' button to download a signed CSR push_certificate_1_signed_csr.b64 file.
  • Sign in to the Apple Push Certificate Portal.
  • On the "Get Started" page, click the "Create a Certificate" green shiny button
  • Click the checkbox to the left of the "I have read and agree to these terms and conditions." text and click the Accept button
  • On the "Create a Push Certificate" page, optionally enter a note, click the "Choose File" button and navigate to the push_certificate_1_signed_csr.b64 signed certificate request file, and then click the "Upload" button.
  • On the "Confirmation" page, click the "Download" button.
  • Return to the Zentral MDM > Overview > Push certificates > Zentral Cloud certificate detail page.
  • From the top right corner, click the "Upload Push Certificate" "up-arrow" button to go to the upload page
  • Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to the "MDM_ Zentral Pro Services GmbH & Co. KG_Certificate.pem" certificate and click the Open button in the filepicker. • Click the green Save button.

As you can now see the certificate details filled in above, this configuration is now ready for Zentral MDM push capabilities. To renew an existing push certificate, repeat those steps.

IMPORTANT do not let the push/APNS certificates expire! Set a reminder and renew it before the "Not after" date listed, or at a regular interval more frequent than the lifetime of the certificate.

To be able to keep sending notifications to enrolled devices, it is important to renew the existing certificates, and not generate new ones (it is important that the topic of a push certificate stays the same). In the Apple Push Certificate Portal, look for the existing certificate and click on the Renew button, and not on the Create a Certificate button.

MDM vendor certificate (Developer Enterprise Account required)

To generate your own MDM vendor certificate, run the following command to setup a working directory with a vendor certificate request:

python server/ mdmcerts -d the_working_directory init
  • Choose a password for the vendor certificate request private key, and remember it!

The content of the working directory should be the following:

$ ls the_working_directory
vendor.csr  vendor.key

Push/APNS certificate

Run the following command to create an APNS certificate request and sign it with the vendor certificate:

python server/ mdmcerts -d the_working_directory req COUNTRYCODE
  • Choose a password for the push/APNS certificate request private key, and remember it!
  • Enter the password for the MDM vendor certificate private key.

The content of the working directory should be the following:

$ ls the_working_directory
push.b64  push.csr  push.key  vendor.crt  vendor.csr  vendor.key
  • Sign in to the Apple Push Certificate Portal.
  • To renew an existing certificate, choose the certificate and click the Renew button.
  • To create a new certificate, click the Create a Certificate button.
  • Upload the push.b64 signed certificate request.
  • Download the generated certificate.

Navigate to the Zentral MDM > Push certificates section, and either select an existing certificate and click on the Update button to renew an existing certificate, or click on the Add button to create a new push certificate. Upload the generated certificate, the push.key private key, and enter the password of the push certificate private key.

Renewing a Push/APNS certificate

IMPORTANT do not let the push/APNS certificates expire! Set a reminder and renew it before the "Not after" date listed in the column, or at a regular interval more frequent than the lifetime of the certificate.

To be able to keep sending notifications to enrolled devices, it is important to renew the existing certificates, and not generate new ones (it is important that the topic of a push certificate stays the same). In the Apple Push Certificate Portal, look for the existing certificate and click on the Renew button, and not on the Create a Certificate button. In the Zentral MDM > Push certificates section, find the certificate and click on the Update button, and do not Add a new certificate.

Automated Device Enrollment

To use modern automated device enrollment with Zentral, you need to ensure proper synchronization with Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM). This synchronization requires an MDM server token.


  • Access to Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM).
  • An MDM server token for syncing with ABM/ASM.

For detailed instructions on general ABM/ASM usage, refer to the Apple Business Manager User Guide.

Configure Automated Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP)

To set up Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) to work with Zentral, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Zentral MDM > Overview > DEP Virtual Servers section and click the Connect "power-plug" button in the top right. Do not close this section during the process.
  • Next to the text that says "Download the new public key", click the "down-arrow", "Download public key" button.
  • In ABM/ASM go to the Preferences and look for the Your MDM Servers section in the middle column.
  • Add a new MDM Server by clicking the "plus-circle" with 'Add' below it at the top of that section (or click Edit after clicking on an existing MDM Server)
  • Upload the .zentral.cloud_public_key_1_.pem public key in the 'well' section on the page.
  • Click the Download MDM Server Token button at the top of the window.
  • Return to Zentral and click the "Choose File" button to upload the MDM server token in the MDM > Overview > DEP Virtual Servers section.
  • Once an Enrollment profile has been created (see the section below), you can assign it as the default enrollment for this token.

To fully utilize ADE, you need to create an Enrollment in the MDM > Overview > Enrollment section and select the appropriate Virtual Server during the setup process (see below). The assigned Enrollment will be reflected in the MDM > DEP Virtual Servers > [Instance Name] > Profile section, and the devices assigned in ABM/ASM will appear in the MDM > DEP Virtual Servers > [Instance Name] > Devices section.

The device assignments will sync automatically. If the existing device assignments in ABM/ASM are not reflected in Zentral, go to the MDM > DEP Virtual Servers > [Instance Name] section and manually click the Synchronize button. The devices will also be visible in the MDM > Overview > DEP Devices section.

Setup an Enrollment Profile

To set up an Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) in Zentral, you need to create an Enrollment. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Zentral MDM > Enrollment section.
  • Check if there is an existing enrollment entry under DEP Enrollment. If none exists, click the Add button to create a new enrollment profile.
  • Fill in or update the required details. Select Push Certificate, SCEP Config, Blueprint, and choose the appropriate Virtual Server from the dropdown menu to associate this enrollment with a DEP Virtual Server. Set a Name to identify the profile.
  • Configure device management options according to your organization’s needs. This includes settings like Allow Pairing, Is Supervised, and Is MDM Removable.
  • Enter additional settings, such as Support Phone Number, Support Email Address, Language, and Region to provide users with the necessary contact and localization details.
  • If applicable, configure user and realm-specific settings. These include Realm, Use Realm User, Username Pattern, and whether the Realm User is Admin.
  • Review and customize the Setup Assistant settings, choosing which steps to skip during device setup, such as Skip Apple ID Setup, Skip Touch ID/Face ID Setup, and Skip iCloud Setup.
  • Once all settings are configured, click Save to create the enrollment profile.

Note: After creating the Enrollment, it’s important to test and review the profile settings. You can edit the enrollment profile anytime by navigating to the MDM > Enrollment section in Zentral. Regular testing and revisit for updates are recommended, especially as new major OS versions can introduce additional configurations. To verify that your changes are synced with ABM/ADE, use the Test button to download and check the DEP profile from ABM.

Device syncing occurs at scheduled intervals. If the device assignments from ABM/ASM are not reflected in Zentral, go to the MDM > DEP Virtual Servers > [Instance Name] section and manually click the Synchronize button.

MDM Blueprints

Blueprints in Zentral are templates that group MDM settings and configurations. They determine which profiles, settings, and apps are applied to managed devices, enabling consistent and standardized management through simple assignment.

How MDM Blueprints Work

Blueprints include essential settings for inventory collection and its interval, as well as configurations for FileVault, Recovery password, which are applied in a 1:1 relationship. For Software Update Enforcement one or more configurations can be used within a Blueprint, and by applying tags in a multiple-configuration scenario, different enforcement levels can be scoped to tagged device cohorts, enabling fine-grained update strategies across device groups.

These configurations are typically applied by assigning a dedicated blueprint during enrollment, and can be adjusted later if needed.

  • Single assignment: A device can only be assigned to one blueprint at a time to prevent conflicts.
  • Default enrollment: Blueprints are typically set initially as the default assignment during Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) when devices are enrolled via Apple Business Manager (ABM) for automatic application of settings. The blueprint can be changed as needed.
  • Transitioning: When a device is switched from one blueprint to another, the new blueprint’s configurations are applied, and any previous settings not included are removed.
  • Inventory collection: Inventory data is collected at specified intervals, managed through the MDM protocol. The information is stored and updated as part of a device’s inventory records. The interval can range from a minimum of 4 hours to a maximum of 7 days, with a default of 1 day.

  • Artifacts: Configuration profiles, Enterprise Apps, and VPP Apps are considered artifacts. When assigned to a Blueprint, they are listed with details such as type, version, platforms, exclusion tags, default shard, and tag shards. Clicking on an artifact allows you to view and edit its details.

  • Enrollment info: Displays the connected Automated Device Enrollment (DEP) or Over-The-Air (OTA) enrollment configurations. You can click the link to view detailed enrollment information.

Create a Blueprint

  1. Go to MDM > Overview > Blueprints in the Zentral interface.
  2. Click the Add button to create a new blueprint.
  3. Enter a Name for the blueprint.
  4. Set an Inventory Interval to determine the frequency of inventory collection.
  5. Configure data collection options:
  6. Collect apps: Select Yes or No.
  7. Collect certificates: Select Yes or No.
  8. Collect profiles: Select Yes or No.
  9. Click Save to create the blueprint.

Modify a Blueprint

  1. Go to MDM > Overview > Blueprints and select the blueprint you want to modify.
  2. Update fields such as Name, Inventory Interval, or data collection options as needed.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Connect a Blueprint to an Enrollment

  1. Go to MDM > Overview > Enrollments and select or create an enrollment profile.
  2. In the Blueprint dropdown menu, select the blueprint you want to link.
  3. Click Save on the enrollment profile to complete the connection.

For more details on configuring Automated Device Enrollment (ADE), refer to the Setup an Enrollment Profile section.

FileVault Configuration

Zentral manages FileVault settings for full disk encryption on macOS devices via MDM. Using a dedicated configuration, it allows the creation and assignment of an individual FileVault configuration to one or more MDM Blueprints. This approach provides centralized control over FileVault application, user experience, and key management, ensuring compliance with the organization’s data encryption policies.

Enforcing FileVault during the Setup Assistant is supported starting from macOS 14.4 and later.

FileVault Key Escrow

FileVault key escrow ensures that Personal Recovery Keys (PRKs) are securely stored and accessible:

  • Escrow: Zentral automatically escrows the PRK when FileVault is enabled and enforced via MDM on a device. Zentral deploys a device-specific certificate to encrypt the PRK, ensuring a secure procedure.
  • Authorized Retrieval: The PRK can be accessed via the Zentral web interface or HTTP API for device recovery. Each retrieval action is audited in the FileVault PRK Viewed log, captured per device and transaction.

Configure FileVault Configuration

To set up a FileVault configuration in Zentral, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > FileVault Configuration.
  2. Configure the following options:
  3. Name: Enter a display name for the configuration.
  4. PRK Escrow Location Display Name: Information shown to the end-user indicating where the PRK is stored.
  5. Defer Enablement at Login Only: Enable FileVault only during login to avoid prompts at logout.
  6. Max Bypass Attempts at Login: Set the number of times users can bypass FileVault enablement at login.
  7. Show Recovery Key: Choose whether to display the PRK to users when FileVault is enabled.
  8. Destroy Key on Standby: Enable this to require a FileVault unlock after hibernation.
  9. PRK Rotation Interval (days): Specify an interval for automatic PRK rotation and escrow to Zentral. A value of 0 means no rotation.
  10. Click Save to apply the configuration.

Using FileVault Configuration Across Blueprints

A single FileVault configuration can be assigned to multiple blueprints, ensuring consistent encryption settings across various device groups.

Linking a FileVault Configuration to a Blueprint

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Blueprints.
  2. Select or create a blueprint.
  3. Choose the desired FileVault configuration from the FileVault Configuration dropdown.
  4. Click Save to link the configuration to the blueprint.

Apps and Books

To manage and distribute apps from the Mac App Store or iOS/iPadOS App Store through Zentral, a Content Token is required to sync with Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM).


  • Access to Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM).
  • A Content Token for syncing with ABM/ASM.

For detailed instructions on general ABM/ASM usage, refer to the Apple Business Manager User Guide.

Configure Apps and Books (formerly Apple Volume Purchasing/VPP)

To set up Apps and Books to work with Zentral, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the ABM / ASM Preferences > Payments and Billing > Apps and Books section.
  • In the Content Tokens section, locate the desired token and download it.
  • Navigate to the Zentral MDM > Overview > Locations section.
  • Click the Add button to create a new location.
  • Upload the content token (*.vpptoken) you previously downloaded from ASM/ABM.

Content in ASM/ABM Apps and Books > "AppName" > Manage Licenses that is assigned or removed from the content token will sync and automatically populate. You will see the total apps and licenses available reflected in Zentral Cloud in the MDM > Overview > Store apps section.

Software Update Enforcement Configuration

Zentral uses Declarative Device Management (DDM) to configure policies for enforcing software updates across Apple platforms (macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS). These policies ensure that devices update to a specific OS version by a defined target date and time, while allowing users to install the update at a time convenient for them (prior to the enforcement date).

The configuration allows an optional Details URL setting, which is displayed in update messages on the device. This can provide a link to additional information (e.g., internal or public documentation) for end users.

Zentral offers two variants for setting up a Software Update Enforcement configuration:

  • One-Time

    This type is standard DDM to specify the Target OS version (e.g.,15.2), optionally the Target build version (e.g., 24C101), and a Target local date and time (e.g., 2024-12-17 09:30:00) as a single policy to enforce the update. When new OS versions become available that need to be enforced, this configuration requires manual updates.

  • Latest

This type automatically enforces the latest available OS version up to a Maximum target OS version. Zentral will use the device identifier and match information from the Apple Software Lookup Service to return the latest OS version (e.g., 16 to install all macOS 15 updates on your fleet, but to stop before installing 16). Set the Delay in days following the software release and a Target local time to configure the enforcement time (e.g.7 for 7 days and 09:30:00 for 9:30 a.m.).

In both types, if a user does not install the update by the specified deadline, it is automatically enforced. Enforcement times are based on the device's local time zone, allowing a single configuration to work seamlessly across different regions.

To read more about Apple's logic for enforcing software updates, refer to the Apple Platform Deployment Guide.

Configuring Software Update Enforcement

To create and manage software update enforcement settings in Zentral, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Software Update Enforcements.
  2. Click the + sign to create new software update enforcement
  3. Complete the following options:
  4. Name: Enter a display name for the configuration.
  5. Details URL: (Optional) A URL link, to provide info for end users.
  6. Platforms: Select the platforms to which the enforcement applies (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS).
  7. Tags: Add tags to specify which devices or groups the configuration will apply to.
  8. Type: Choose the direction of how the enforcement schedule is set (as outlined above): - One-Time: Set the Target OS version, Target build version (optional), and Target local date and time. - Latest: Set the Maximum target OS version, Delay in days, and Target local time.
  9. Click Save to store the configuration.

Linking a Software Update Enforcements Configuration to a Blueprint

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Blueprints.
  2. Select or create a Blueprint.
  3. Select the desired Software Update Enforcements configuration from the Software Update Enforcements list.
  4. Click Save to link the configuration(s) to the Blueprint.

Enforcing Updates on Different Schedules

Multiple configurations for enforcing software updates can be used within a single blueprint, each targeting specific device groups based on tags. This setup enables gradual rollouts with enforcement based on predefined schedules for different groups of tagged devices. When combined with Latest Mode, this approach eliminates the need for manual adjustments with each Apple OS release while maintaining the predefined schedules.

Using a Software Update Enforcement configuration in multiple Blueprints

A single Software Update Enforcement configuration can be assigned to multiple blueprints, ensuring a consistent enforcement schedule and user experience across the devices and Apple platforms (macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS).

Update a Software Update Enforcement Configuration

To update an existing configuration:

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Software Update Enforcements.
  2. In the list of configurations, click the Edit button right hand to the software update enforcement you want to modify.
  3. Make the necessary adjustments as described in the configuration steps above.
  4. Click Save to store the updated configuration.

Removing a Software Update Enforcement Configuration

A Software Update Enforcement configuration can only be deleted if it is no longer linked to any blueprint. If the delete button is not visible, check the associated blueprints to ensure the configuration is no longer in use.

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Software Update Enforcements.
  2. Click the configuration name to review its settings before deleting and use the Delete button next to the configuration. Alternatively, you see a delete button already in the list right to the name.

Recovery Password Configuration

Recovery Password Configuration manages both recoveryOS password protection for Apple Silicon Macs and firmware password protection for Intel-based Macs via MDM. This prevents unauthorized access when Macs are started in recovery mode.

There are two types of passwords, static passwords, which set the same password for all devices, and dynamic passwords, which generate unique passwords for each device. A password rotation can be set only for dynamic passwords, the password rotation interval can be set in days (a value of 0 disables rotation). For Intel-based Macs, there is an extra checkbox to enable firmware password rotation, as Zentral needs to send a reboot command via MDM to apply the new password.

Configuring a Recovery Password

  1. Navigate to MDM > Recovery Password Configurations.
  2. Click the Add button to create a new configuration.
  3. Complete the following options:
  4. Name: Enter a display name for the configuration.
  5. Dynamic Password: Enable to generate unique passwords for each device.
  6. Static Password: Provide a static password for all devices (only available when Dynamic Password is disabled).
  7. Rotation Interval (days): Set the interval for automatic password rotation. Enter 0 to disable rotation.
  8. Rotate Firmware Password: Enable firmware password rotation (only for Intel-based Macs; a reboot is required to apply the new password).
  9. Click Save to apply the configuration.

Linking a Recovery Password Configuration to a Blueprint

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Blueprints.
  2. Select or create a Blueprint to edit.
  3. Add the recovery password configuration to the blueprint.
  4. Click Save to link the configuration to the Blueprint.

A recovery password configuration can be applied to multiple blueprints.

Update a Recovery Password Configuration

To update an existing configuration:

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Recovery Password Configurations.
  2. Locate the desired configuration and click the Edit button next to it.
  3. Adjust the settings as needed (refer to the configuration steps for guidance).
  4. Click Save to apply the changes.

Remove a Recovery Password Configuration

A Recovery Password Configuration can only be deleted if it is not linked to any Blueprint. If the Delete button is unavailable, check associated Blueprints and ensure the configuration is no longer in use.

  1. Navigate to MDM > Overview > Recovery Password Configurations.
  2. Review the configuration by clicking its name.
  3. Use the Delete button in the list view or on the configuration details page.
  4. Confirm the deletion when prompted.



  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_depdevice
  • available filters:
    • device_family
    • enrollment
    • profile_status
    • profile_uuid
    • serial_number
    • virtual_server
  • available orderings:
    • created_at
    • last_op_date
    • updated_at
  • pagination:
    • limit (max 500, 50 by default)
    • offset

Use this endpoint to list the DEP devices.


curl -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  "https://$ZTL_FQDN/api/mdm/dep/devices/?last_op_type=added&ordering=-last_op_date" \
  | python3 -m json.tool


    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 14,
            "virtual_server": 7,
            "serial_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "asset_tag": "",
            "color": "SPACE GRAY",
            "description": "MBP 13.3 SPG/8C CPU/8C GPU",
            "device_family": "Mac",
            "model": "MacBook Pro 13\"",
            "os": "OSX",
            "device_assigned_by": "[email protected]",
            "device_assigned_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
            "last_op_type": "modified",
            "last_op_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
            "profile_status": "pushed",
            "profile_uuid": "464921fa-a370-4bad-9a6f-9e3a8a73d94a",
            "profile_push_time": "2024-12-02T16:02:47",
            "enrollment": 4,
            "created_at": "2024-07-29T19:13:12.160287",
            "updated_at": "2024-12-03T16:46:26.703479"


  • methods: GET, PUT
  • required permission: mdm.view_depdevice, mdm.change_depdevice

Use this endpoint to get a DEP device detail information and change its enrollment.

Example to get the DEP device detail information:

curl -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  https://$ZTL_FQDN/api/mdm/dep/devices/14/ \
  | python3 -m json.tool


    "id": 14,
    "virtual_server": 7,
    "serial_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "asset_tag": "",
    "color": "SPACE GRAY",
    "description": "MBP 13.3 SPG/8C CPU/8C GPU",
    "device_family": "Mac",
    "model": "MacBook Pro 13\"",
    "os": "OSX",
    "device_assigned_by": "[email protected]",
    "device_assigned_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
    "last_op_type": "modified",
    "last_op_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
    "profile_status": "pushed",
    "profile_uuid": "464921fa-a370-4bad-9a6f-9e3a8a73d94a",
    "profile_push_time": "2024-12-02T16:02:47",
    "enrollment": 4,
    "created_at": "2024-07-29T19:13:12.160287",
    "updated_at": "2024-12-03T16:46:26.703479"

Example to assign an enrollment/profile:

curl -XPUT \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"enrollment": 4}' \
  https://$ZTL_FQDN/api/mdm/dep/devices/14/ \
  | python3 -m json.tool


    "id": 14,
    "virtual_server": 7,
    "serial_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "asset_tag": "",
    "color": "SPACE GRAY",
    "description": "MBP 13.3 SPG/8C CPU/8C GPU",
    "device_family": "Mac",
    "model": "MacBook Pro 13\"",
    "os": "OSX",
    "device_assigned_by": "[email protected]",
    "device_assigned_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
    "last_op_type": "modified",
    "last_op_date": "2024-12-02T16:52:49",
    "profile_status": "pushed",
    "profile_uuid": "464921fa-a370-4bad-9a6f-9e3a8a73d94a",
    "profile_push_time": "2024-12-02T16:02:47",
    "enrollment": 4,
    "created_at": "2024-07-29T19:13:12.160287",
    "updated_at": "2024-12-03T16:46:26.703479"


  • method: POST
  • required permission: mdm.view_depvirtualserver

Use this endpoint to trigger a DEP virtual server devices sync.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  https://$ZTL_FQDN/api/mdm/dep/virtual_servers/1/sync_devices/ \
  | python3 -m json.tool


  "task_id": "b1512b8d-1e17-4181-a1c3-93a7243fddd4",
  "task_result_url": "/api/task_result/b1512b8d-1e17-4181-a1c3-93a7243fddd4/"


  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_enrolleddevice
  • available filters:
    • serial_number
    • udid

Use this endpoint to list the MDM enrolled devices.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


    "id": 27,
    "udid": "2A7F9BCE-9B52-4073-BE21-E419C85068E9",
    "serial_number": "012345678910",
    "name": "John’s Mac mini",
    "model": "Macmini8,1",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "os_version": "14.2.1",
    "build_version": "23C71",
    "apple_silicon": false,
    "cert_not_valid_after": "2024-08-05T14:44:01",
    "blueprint": 1,
    "awaiting_configuration": false,
    "declarative_management": true,
    "dep_enrollment": true,
    "user_enrollment": false,
    "user_approved_enrollment": true,
    "supervised": true,
    "bootstrap_token_escrowed": true,
    "filevault_enabled": true,
    "filevault_prk_escrowed": true,
    "activation_lock_manageable": true,
    "last_seen_at": "2024-02-17T20:31:34.848107",
    "last_notified_at": "2024-03-27T20:44:21.751091",
    "checkout_at": null,
    "blocked_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-08-06T14:44:01.847058",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-17T20:31:34.848262"


  • method: POST
  • required permission: mdm.change_enrolleddevice

Blocks an enrolled device. Releases it from the MDM and denies further MDM enrollments. A serialized device is returned.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


  "id": 27,
  "udid": "2A7F9BCE-9B52-4073-BE21-E419C85068E9",
  "serial_number": "012345678910",
  "name": "John’s Mac mini",
  "model": "Macmini8,1",
  "platform": "macOS",
  "os_version": "14.2.1",
  "build_version": "23C71",
  "apple_silicon": false,
  "cert_not_valid_after": "2024-08-05T14:44:01",
  "blueprint": 1,
  "awaiting_configuration": false,
  "declarative_management": true,
  "dep_enrollment": true,
  "user_enrollment": false,
  "user_approved_enrollment": true,
  "supervised": true,
  "bootstrap_token_escrowed": true,
  "filevault_enabled": true,
  "filevault_prk_escrowed": true,
  "activation_lock_manageable": true,
  "last_seen_at": "2024-02-17T20:31:34.848107",
  "last_notified_at": "2024-03-27T20:44:21.751091",
  "checkout_at": null,
  "blocked_at": "2024-02-04T07:03:12.345678",
  "created_at": "2023-08-06T14:44:01.847058",
  "updated_at": "2024-02-04T07:03:12.456789",


  • method: POST
  • required permission: mdm.change_enrolleddevice

Unblocks an enrolled device. The device can enroll again. A serialized device is returned.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


  "id": 27,
  "udid": "2A7F9BCE-9B52-4073-BE21-E419C85068E9",
  "serial_number": "012345678910",
  "name": "John’s Mac mini",
  "model": "Macmini8,1",
  "platform": "macOS",
  "os_version": "14.2.1",
  "build_version": "23C71",
  "apple_silicon": false,
  "cert_not_valid_after": "2024-08-05T14:44:01",
  "blueprint": 1,
  "awaiting_configuration": false,
  "declarative_management": true,
  "dep_enrollment": true,
  "user_enrollment": false,
  "user_approved_enrollment": true,
  "supervised": true,
  "bootstrap_token_escrowed": true,
  "filevault_enabled": true,
  "filevault_prk_escrowed": true,
  "activation_lock_manageable": true,
  "last_seen_at": "2024-02-17T20:31:34.848107",
  "last_notified_at": "2024-03-27T20:44:21.751091",
  "checkout_at": null,
  "blocked_at": null,
  "created_at": "2023-08-06T14:44:01.847058",
  "updated_at": "2024-02-17T20:31:34.848262"


  • method: POST
  • required permission: mdm.add_devicecommand
  • arguments:
    • disallow_proximity_setup
    • preserve_data_plan
    • pin

Queues up an EraseDevice command for the device and notifies it.

On an Apple Silicon device, no arguments are required. For a T1 machine, the pin argument is required. For a mobile device, no pin can be set, but disallow_proximity_setup and preserve_data_plan are required.

A serialized device command is returned.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{}'


  "id": 815,
  "uuid": "4ec709ba-542e-4adf-8002-7d782e9eae9e",
  "enrolled_device": 27,
  "name": "EraseDevice",
  "artifact_version": null,
  "artifact_operation": null,
  "not_before": null,
  "time": null,
  "result": null,
  "result_time": null,
  "status": null,
  "error_chain": null,
  "created_at": "2024-03-28T16:27:05.829954",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-28T16:27:05.829959"


  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_filevault_prk

Returns the decrypted FileVault PRK for an MDM enrolled device.


curl -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


  "id": 27,
  "serial_number": "012345678910",
  "filevault_prk": "0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000"


  • method: POST
  • required permission: mdm.add_devicecommand
  • arguments:
    • message
    • phone_number
    • pin

Queues up a DeviceLock command for the device and notifies it.

pin can only be set, and is required for macOS devices. message and phone_number are optional.

A serialized device command is returned.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"pin": "012345", "message": "This device is locked!", "phone_number": "+49000000000"}'


  "id": 815,
  "uuid": "4ec709ba-542e-4adf-8002-7d782e9eae9e",
  "enrolled_device": 27,
  "name": "DeviceLock",
  "artifact_version": null,
  "artifact_operation": null,
  "not_before": null,
  "time": null,
  "result": null,
  "result_time": null,
  "status": null,
  "error_chain": null,
  "created_at": "2024-03-28T16:27:05.829954",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-28T16:27:05.829959"


  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_recovery_password

Returns the decrypted recovery lock or firmware password for an MDM enrolled device.


curl -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


  "id": 27,
  "serial_number": "012345678910",
  "recovery_password": "000000000000"


  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_location
  • available filters:
    • name
    • organization_name

Fetches the list of Apps / Books locations.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


    "id": 388,
    "server_token_expiration_date": "2050-01-01T00:00:00",
    "organization_name": "Organization name",
    "name": "Location name",
    "country_code": "DE",
    "library_uid": "1dc05825-af1d-422a-9b26-72a2f8c2aae5",
    "platform": "enterprisestore",
    "website_url": "",
    "mdm_info_id": "f42d9d70-d304-4ac1-83db-b045fa4bc623",
    "created_at": "2024-03-28T17:58:15.948083",
    "updated_at": "2024-03-28T17:58:15.948088"


  • method: GET
  • required permission: mdm.view_locationasset
  • available filters:
    • adam_id
    • pricing_param
    • location_id

Fetches the list of Apps / Books location assets.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \


    "id": 414,
    "assigned_count": 0,
    "available_count": 0,
    "retired_count": 0,
    "total_count": 0,
    "created_at": "2024-03-28T19:15:58.212233",
    "updated_at": "2024-03-28T19:15:58.212237",
    "location": 749,
    "asset": 489


  • method: POST
  • required permission:
    • mdm.add_softwareupdate
    • mdm.change_softwareupdate
    • mdm.delete_softwareupdate

Use this endpoint to trigger a Software Updates sync.


curl -XPOST \
  -H "Authorization: Token $ZTL_API_TOKEN" \
  https://$ZTL_FQDN/api/mdm/software_updates/sync/ \
  | python3 -m json.tool


  "task_id": "b1512b8d-1e17-4181-a1c3-93a7243fddd4",
  "task_result_url": "/api/task_result/b1512b8d-1e17-4181-a1c3-93a7243fddd4/"